Monday, October 12, 2009

Learning Foods for Diet

The worst health problem faced by America today is obesity. People just like to eat, and in so doing, eat too much of the wrong foods which have been ill prepared. Learning the foods for dieting, and proper preparation of same, could be a major milestone in the fight against obesity. Too much red meats and fatty fried foods don't do much to help the problem. Poor eating habits also contribute to poor blood chemistry that can be dangerously high in cholesterol and triglycerides which can lead to blocked arteries. Another problem is that obese persons have a much greater chance of developing diabetes also. In dieting there are certain absolute rules to follow which help to insure success. Learning proper foods for diet will help to insure success. For instance, there are good carbohydrate and bad carbohydrate foods that should be kept in mind. Carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index (bad carbs) should be avoided, while the carbohydrates with low glycemic index (good carbs) are acceptable. A dies to be effective must be medically and nutritionally sound, but if it is hard top live with, is not practical and in all probability will fail. It must be flexible and simple, with as few rules as possible. It should allow people to eat basically the way they want to eat, utilizing foods for dieting that will improve their
nutrition intake, which in turn will improve their blood chemistry. Ideally, it will be a regime that can be followed after reaching your proper weight, so as to insure maintenance of your losses over the long run. Too many diets end up with weight loss, but then regaining most if not all of the loss. This can be disappointing as well as demoralizing.

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